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May 2023 50x70 Results - Preliminary

Updated: Aug 12, 2023

These results are preliminary only because I have not completed the team scores. Individual scores are done.

Some very close scores!

One of the unique things about the IDAL is that we keep an historic catalog of courses. These courses (unless modified) can be run anytime, anywhere, by anyone and scores submitted for LPP without prior approval. Dogs can run and rerun and rerun... Dogs can run the same day or years apart. For monthly and season scoring purposes, the first run is the one counted. However, the dog earns LPP for all of the runs. Additionally, those runs are added to the historical data for a course, and the dogs who have also run that course may see an increase in their LPP.

Why, you may ask? Lifetime Performance Points are based on the number of dogs who have run a course. Every dog gets a minimum of 1 LPP for trying the course. Dogs who complete the course will get a minimum of 3 LPP. A dog’s total LPP for a course is 3 plus the number of dogs he/she beat.

When extra runs are added (no matter when), LPP are recalculated for the course. This would adjust all dogs’ scores because new runs have been added to the total number of dogs run. Even though dog A may not have rerun the course, if dog B runs it and scores lower than dog A, dog A’s LPP would increase by 1. If dog B scores higher than dog A, dog A’s LPP would stay the same. Cool, huh?

Another important thing to remember is that in games, you need to make sure your dog crosses the finish line or is directed to the finish obstacle. Otherwise, your time may cause your placement to be lower than it otherwise would have been.

Briefing for “May the 4th Be With You”

I must admit to being a Star Wars fan. So, I decided to modify a game concept I came up with back in 2012. Using a combination of previous league courses, this is what I came up with. I hope you enjoy it.

Objective: Use the Force (a la Star Wars) to guide you without faults on the course of your choosing.

Briefing: This game allows the handler to choose between two numbered courses, the Light Side or the Dark Side of the Force. Each path of the Force has advantages and disadvantages depending on the team. The Light Side of the Force is a more technically challenging course, but it is shorter. The Dark Side is easier to follow, but the path is long.

Pick your path and follow the numbers. Faults will be applied as they would be on a numbered course. No refusals will be called.

Only YOU can use the Force and determine your path!

Scoring: Time, plus Faults.

50x70 Course for May 2023

50x70 Results

Team Scores Pending

Please note that the scores highlighted in fluorescent blue are for additional runs.

Top Dogs Overall

Top Dog Overall: Jasper and Shana Goodwin, Light Side, 0 faults, 28.34 sec.

2nd Place Dog: Alaska and Liz Clements, Light Side, 0 faults, 29.72 sec.

3rd Place Dog: Gus and Liz Clements, Light Side, 0 faults, 29.92 sec.

Top Dogs for Each Club

All Breed Training Club of Akron: Savvy and Cindy Fink, Light Side, 0 faults, 34.38 sec.

Dazhbor Training: Harry and Omar Alarcón, Light Side, 0 faults, 28.34 sec.

Jumping C Crew: Alaska and Liz Clements, Light Side, 0 faults, 29.72 sec.

K9cation: Jasper and Shana Goodwin, Light Side, 0 faults, 28.34 sec.

Lakeside Agility Club: Lupita and Lorraine Farrow, Light Side, 0 faults, 42.55 sec.

PAWS4FUN: Lola and Heather Esdon, Dark Side, 0 faults, 36.19 sec.

Sport Dogs Jalisco: No results posted.

50x70 Intern Results

Top Intern Dog Overall: ZaZ and Linda Hendy, Light Side, 10 faults, 43.73 sec.

Second Place Intern Dog: Morgan and Isis Alegria, Light Side, 5 faults, 48.78 sec.

Third Place Intern Dog: Woofie and Carmen Coarouche, Light Side, 5 faults, 72.19 sec.


Questions comments & snide remarks should be directed to Melissa Wallace at

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