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January 2024 60x90 Results

I thought I had posted these some time ago… I apologize for the oversight.


In and Out is a weird game with an interesting strategy. The decision was pretty easy for this specific course, but longer and more complex courses may make faulting the best way to get more points rather than the bonus. This was a great strategy one year at the Petit Prix (the TDAA National Championships). A few savvy handlers figured it out and repeated a loop several times. The bulk of the points was stacked in one loop; the remaining obstacles were of little value and the remainder of the course was long.


Unfortunately, I had to review and re-score quite a few runs. Some of the scores went up or down based on the review. Why the changes?

First, you cannot earn a bonus if you did not complete the entire course. There is a balance in this game, and the handler needs to decide on strategy. Some handlers may intentionally fault a loop so that they can repeat it for points. Others may decide that they will earn more points by completing the course as fast as they can. The fastest dog on this course got 38 bonus points plus the 21 that was available by taking all the obstacles once. The times for the top dogs were VERY close.

Second, some scores were incorrect. A few handlers were given faults for the faults instead of the handler restarting the loop, and one had time faults. One was given no score because they didn’t complete the course. Those scores were corrected.

Third, the confusing and heartbreaking parts. One dog broke a start line stay and performed the correct obstacle; the handler put the dog back in a start line stay and restarted the sequence. Is this okay? Technically, no. The dog did not incur a fault until it took the first jump a second time – wrong course. The dog gets one point for the first execution of the jump but earns no more points on the course because they never restarted the loop. The dog needed to take #1 again. Ouch!

Another poor handler faulted, went back to restart the sequence, but the spectators told her to keep going. Ouch! Some simply decided not to restart a loop and just go.


I hate to penalize teams for such things, but I had to apply the rules equally to all.

A seemingly simple game with huge implications if you are not attentive to the rules. However, all of you looked like you were enjoying yourselves. I enjoyed watching the videos. Remember, it is just “a game we play with our dog in the park.” Straight from Bud himself.


The course is divided into three different segments. The “inner” loop, the “in and out” loop and the “outer” loop. The dog must start with the “inner” loop, move to the in-and out loop and finish with the outer loop.  If a fault occurs during a loop, the dog must immediately restart from the first obstacle in that loop. The loop is repeated until completed without fault and is finished when the dog starts the next loop.

The judge will call out “fault” when a dog has faulted an obstacle. Faults include dropped bars, wrong courses, and missed contacts. The use of toys or food will not result in a fault.  As the dog runs the course, the team accumulates the point values of each obstacle taken. Values are listed below. Points can never be lost even if the dog faults and must restart a loop.

The timekeeper will blow a whistle at the end of course time. Course time is 55 seconds for all dogs. If the dog has not completed the course, he must be directed to the finish line to stop time. The finish line is the last obstacle on the course. If the dog completes the entire course before time runs out, the difference between the dog’s time and the course time becomes bonus points added to the score. All times are rounded up to the next whole second for this calculation; however, for time in the spreadsheet, please put the actual time to hundredths of a second (as normal).


Inside Loop is black numbers

In and Out Loop is red numbers

Outside Loop is purple numbers


Point Values:

Jumps – 1

Tunnels – 3

Contacts - 5 


Scoring: In and Out is scored Points, Plus Bonus, Then Time.

60x90 Adept Course

The above results include both Adept and Intern results.

60x90 Top Dogs Overall

Top Dog: Navi and Ali Kuschel, Score of 59, 16.21sec.


2nd Place Dog: Radar and Carolyn Heide, Score of 59, 17.1 sec.


3rd Place Dog: Lea and Cate Koltes, Score of 57, 18.05 sec.


Top Dogs for Each Club


Cloud Nine: Navi and Ali Kuschel, Score of 59, 16.21sec.


PAWS4FUN: Radar and Carolyn Heide, Score of 59, 17.1 sec.


POTC Thunder Pawz: Trixie and Valerie Doubet, Score of 53, 22.47 sec.


Water's Edge: PeeWee and Alicia Meyer, Score of 55, 20.25 sec.



Questions comments & snide remarks should be directed to Melissa Wallace at



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