International Dog Agility League
We are running a new course this month. We will be playing Lucky 13 – Darla’s Variation. I designed the 60x90 course back in 2023 for TDAA. Obviously, I moved the obstacles for appropriate distances and used full size obstacles.
Lucky 13 Briefing:
Objective: Collect as many points as possible while correctly performing 13 obstacles.
Brief: Maximum course times are 50 seconds for big dogs (12” and up) and 55 seconds for small dogs (2” to 8”).
Scoring begins at the designated start line and ends at the table which is not counted as an obstacle. The course design is up to the handler. Each obstacle is assigned a direction and value indicated by the number next to it. The obstacles have two different point values indicated by the cones. The location of the number indicates the points awarded if taken in that direction. Each number can be performed only once. Obstacles can be taken back-to-back.
Each direction correctly performed will count as one of the thirteen obstacles. Repeated obstacles will not count for the obstacle count or assigned points. TDAA competitors may notice that there is no tire on the course. Normally, the tire needs to be the 13th obstacle. Normally, you also need to get exactly 13 obstacles and would be penalized for anything over or under 13. However, we are playing Darla’s Variation.
Darla’s Variation makes an important distinction in the play of Lucky 13, considerably differentiating the game from the play of 12 Tone Row. In this variation there is no additional penalty for going over or under 13 obstacles, and there is no required/specific obstacle to be performed as the 13th. Consequently, there are no additional penalties. Only point values for the first 13 obstacles will be included in the dog’s score.
The table is live once at least one point is scored. The 40x85 league will have a live table, but given its position on the map, we will not stop the clock if the dog hits the table and you were directing them somewhere else, like the tunnel. No specific position is required on the table to stop the clock.
Notes on faulted obstacles: A faulted obstacle is included in the count of 13 obstacles but will receive no points. Faults are missed contacts, knocked bars, and missed pole. Repeated obstacles will not count for the obstacle count or assigned points. A dropped bar on a bidirectional jump will be faulted for the direction taken but can be used for points in the other direction. There are no failure to perform faults or refusals.
Scored: Lucky 13 is scored Points Less Faults then Time.
Scribe and Judge notes: The judge should call out all of the numbers even if they have been repeated that way the score table can scratch out any repeats. Also, call fault when the dog faults so they can be included at the score table.
Course Maps
Maps (Imperial)
Maps (Metric)
Maps (Imperial)
Maps (Metric)
Maps (Imperial)
Maps (Metric)
An Open Invitation to New Players
New clubs and individuals are always welcome to join us and play these courses. Download the scorekeeping worksheets below. Contact the League Secretary to help with the details at
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Questions, comments, snide remarks, and feedback go to Melissa Wallace, IDAL Secretary, at