International Dog Agility League
This month we ran a fascinating game called Dare to Double. We ran this particular course in November of 2022. Handlers who ran that course can compare the performances. The objective is to score as many points as possible, repeating a doubling obstacle on course as often as time allows.
The doubling obstacle is the key to accumulating the most points and winning the game. Consequently, performing the doubling obstacle as often as possible is desirable. Double early, double often is the key to the game.
Ali Kuschel from Cloud 9 Training School for Dogs noted that “…dogs can get some crazy high points!” Yep, wickedly high!
Dare to Double Briefing:
Dare to Double is a simple dog’s-choice game. Dogs with a measured height category of 16” or greater get 50 seconds; dogs with a measured height category of 12” or less get 55 seconds. The game begins at the start line and ends at the table. Handlers may lead out.
If the team gets to the table before time expires, they keep all points accumulated on course. If the team fails to do so, they lose half of their points. Do you Dare to Double? To stop time, the dog must get on the table with all 4 paws. The table is live once the dog crosses the start line.
Scoring obstacles can be taken only twice overall. Back-to-back performances are allowed. Dropped bars will not be reset, and that jump is out of play. The A-frame is the doubling obstacle. During the run, a handler may double the current points by having the dog perform the A-Frame. A successful performance doubles all points earned up to that time. If, however, the dog faults the A-frame, then the dog loses half of his existing points. A handler may double points any time he wishes, as many times as he wishes. The only restriction on doubling is that the A-frame cannot be performed back-to-back. Thus, the handler must do another obstacle, for points, before attempting to double the points again.
There will be a warning whistle 10 seconds before time elapses.
Point Values:
Jumps = 1 pt
Tunnels/Tire = 3 pts
Dogwalk/Teeter = 5 pts
Weaves = 7
A-Frame = Doubling obstacle
Dare to Double is scored points only, with time breaking a tie.
40x85 Course Map
40x85 Results
Top Dogs Overall
Top Dog: Lola and Heather Esdon, 956 points.
2nd Place Dog: Casey and Sandra Johnson, 110 points.
3rd Place Dog: Echo and Dawn Drayton, 65 points.
Top Intern Dogs Overall
Top Dog: Casey and Sandra Johnson, 110 points.
2nd Place Dog: Murphy and Courtney Killion, 56 points.
3rd Place Dog: Vesta and Janet Parks, 9 points.
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