International Dog Agility League
This month we played an interesting game called Jumplers. It is a combination of Jumpers and Gamblers.
Jumplers Briefing:
This Jumplers course (a rough combination of Jumpers and Gamblers) allows bonuses for distance challenges. The course is divided into three different sections, A, B, and C. The course can be run without attempting the distance challenges. However, if the handler runs the course entering no more than two boxes ("A" and "B" or "B" and "C"), earn 10 bonus points. Run course with handler in "B" only, earn 20 bonus points. Run course with handler in "A" or "C" only, earn 30 bonus points.
Jumplers is scored Time, Plus Faults, Less Bonus.
40x85 Course Map

40x85 Results

Top Dogs Overall
Top Dog: Broko and Omar Alarcón, Bonus 20, 0 faults, 18.1 sec.
2nd Place Dog: Harry and Omar Alarcón, Bonus 10, 0 faults, 17.3 sec.
3rd Place Dog: Lola and Heather Esdon, Bonus 20, 5 faults, 25.6 sec.
Top Intern Dog Overall
Top Dog: Lola and Ricardo Barroso, 0 Bonus, 0 faults, 17.8 sec.
2nd Place Dog: Laika and Veronica Chevez, 0 bonus, 0 faults, 19.9 sec.
3rd Place Dog: Wallace and Raul Elizonado, 0 bonus, 5 faults, 21.2 sec.
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