International Dog Agility League
We played on a numbered course this month. We used historical courses from January 2022 for all of the courses except the Intern 40x85. For some reason when the Intern 40x85 was designed, the A-frame was taken twice which really was not necessary.
There are a couple of fun things about running historical courses. First, if you ran the course back in January 2022, you get to compare your new run with your old run. This can really demonstrate to you how much you and your dog have learned. Or, it can show how an older dog is running compared to the previous run. For example, does the older dog in the new run show any indication of having difficulties with the handling or certain obstacles. Second, you get LPP for the new run in addition to the LPP you had from the old run. People who have never run the course get a boost in LPP because their run is compared to other dogs who ran the course even though it was in 2022. If it were a new course, there would be fewer dogs to compare to and the LPP would be lower.
Time Warp Briefing:
Numbered courses are scored time, plus faults.
40x85 Adept Course Map

40x85 Results
Top Dogs Overall
Top Dog: Eddie and Janice Burns, 5 faults in 30.9 sec
2nd Place Dog: Lola and Heather Esdon, 0 faults in 37.4 sec.
3rd Place Dog: Al and Janice Burns, 0 faults in 42.32 sec
40x85 Intern

No Intern results were reported.
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Questions comments & snide remarks should be directed to Melissa Wallace at