I gotta say that I thoroughly enjoyed watching every single one of these runs. From the dropped bar, to the interesting strategies, to tunnel heartbreak, to hound behavior, and on to the little guy with tons of spunk. I also enjoyed watching the juniors. Excellent job everyone.
This month, we played a game called Heinz 57. Heinz 57 can be a frantic game as the handlers try to direct their dogs to get exactly 57 points.
Briefing for Heinz 57
Objective: Score exactly 57 points as quickly as possible.
Briefing: Dogs may start anywhere on the start line in either direction. They start the time by either taking an obstacle located on the start line (including the weaves where appropriate) or crossing over the start line.
Obstacles can be taken twice for points; back-to-back performances are never allowed. Another obstacle must be performed before the dog can be redirected to an obstacle (whether or not it was faulted). A faulted obstacle earns no points. Jumps are not reset.
Points will be awarded as follows:
Jumps: 1
Tunnels: 2
Contacts(weaves as appropriate): 3
The tire is a special obstacle. It will double all the points earned up to that point. The tire may be taken twice but may not be taken back-to-back.
Except for jumps, if a dog commits to any obstacle with four paws, he is required to complete the performance of that obstacle, whether or not it is faulted. A faulted obstacle may be repeated, but only after another obstacle has been attempted.
Time stops in the red box noted on the map. Use tape or similar to mark a 36x36 inch area. This is used in lieu of the table for safety and so that dogs are not tempted to take it inadvertently. The table is “live” when the dog is directed to it. If the team scores more than 57 points, the excess points will be subtracted from 57 to arrive at the team’s final score. Points under 57 are recorded at the face value.
Scoring: Points, then Time (tiebreaker).
40x85 Course for April 2023

40x85 Results

Top Dogs Overall
Top Dog: Eddie and Janice Burns, 57 points, 27.72 sec.
2nd Place Dog: Ami abd Nohemi Ramos, 57 points, 39.04 sec.
3rd Place Dog: Lola and Heather Esdon, 57 points, 40.97 sec.
Top Dogs for Each Club
Jump Agility Dogs: Brodie and Gill Land, 57 points, 56.82 sec.
Lakeside Agility Club: Ami and Nohemi Ramos, 57 points, 39.04 sec.
PAWS4FUN: Eddie and Janice Burns, 57 points, 27.72 sec.
40x85 Intern Results

Top Dog: Brodie and Gill Land, 57 points, 56.82 sec.
2nd Place Dog: Zooey and Shannon Walshe, 56 points, 44.38 sec.
3rd Place Dog: Jackson and Bronwyn Garlick, 56 points, 55.12 sec.
Questions comments & snide remarks should be directed to Melissa Wallace at pagc.live@gmail.com.All payments for the IDAL should be directed to this page: https://www.ultimuttds.com/payment-processing. Bud Houston’s Book of Games is available for download at https://www.ultimuttds.com/product-page/houston-s-book-of-agility-games. All donations from the sale will go to Bud Houston.